

Co-Host & Producer


Charlyn is a social scientist, researcher, podcaster, and occasional crafter from, and currently living in, the United States. She prefers not to conflate the United States with all of the Americas.

Her expertise on stories and storytelling comes from broad study in psychology, social work, anthropology, and other social sciences, plus decades of avid reading and story consumption. She wants to add to the collective well-being of society, and so has bounced around the academic and professional fields following opportunities that seem to lead in that direction. Some of the biggest parts of that endeavor are identifying the contributors and roadblocks to wellbeing and what wellbeing is and isn’t, factors which are inevitably captured and explored by stories. She is drawn to stories that feel sublimely human, in all the messiness and contradictions that implies, and which challenge or confront ideas of what the world is and isn’t, should be or could be. Also, accuracy. She loves when stories get things right.

Charlyn edits the podcast and sometimes co-stars in videos. You can hear her opinions on the podcast and occasionally on Twitter.